Solar Mind


Prints on Canvas or Paper

11″ X 17″ gallery prints come signed and include a certificate of authenticity.

Our gallery prints are reproduced on gallery weight paper and come individually sealed in a crystal clear acrylic envelope with a protective mat board backing.

Canvas prints are reproduced on archival canvas with giclee pigments and come stretched and ready to hang. The canvas stock has been selected to have the look and feel of a hand painted original art. We use all archival museum quality materials. (Canvas sizes listed reflect total sq. inches. Actual dimensions may vary.)

Includes FREE shipping for orders shipped within the US

International shipping: $50 (does not include customs taxes that may apply in your country)


I bowed to turn my face from the heavens in humble gratitude. Close to the ground I saw the smallest stones and tinniest creatures embody the same beauty and majesty as the heavens.

So now I bow with my entire being in deep gratitude, by standing up straight and facing the world in any direction I choose.